Discover the cultural heritage of the Napoleonic era through 7 different themed tourist routes that cover different parts of Spain and Portugal.
Stay tunned!Each route has incredible areas to discover
“Until you spread your wings, you have no idea how far you can fly.”- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Digital StillCamera
Our centers, hotels and activities

Find out about our upcoming activities and organise your route around these dates.
About us
The objective of the NAPOCTEP project is to enhance the cultural heritage of the Napoleonic era through the creation of Napoleonic routes in an area that includes the central region of Portugal (the inter-municipal communities of Coimbra Region and Beiras and Serra da Estrela, along with the Historic Route of the Lines of Torres) and the western Castilian-Leonese provinces (Salamanca, Zamora, Valladolid, León and Ávila), generating an innovative and attractive tourist product that generates economic activity and employment.
The project will have a planned duration of two years (2019-2021), with a total investment of 711 thousand euros co-financed by the European Commission within the INTERREG POCTEP program.